Sunday, March 29, 2020


My team and I have been working on our video. We finishes the content. We now just have to work on the finishing touches. Just making sure we have the rights fonts and sizes. We also have to now add the music. Adding music is personally very hard for me. It is kind of complicated. But, we did finish filming. We also finished adding clips in. The movie looks much better.

We were not able to re film any of the takes we needed to since the coronavirus started. Many of the places closed down or had limited hours. Other places were very big on social distancing. So, it was hard to come together. But, we were able to edit the film enough to where it looks good. We had to crop and edit certain takes. We also had to edit certain things out. Certain things were harder to edit out. Some things were simple to edit out. It would have been easier to retake the takes that we needed.


Friday, March 20, 2020


My team and I have been editing. It has been hard to edit the film. We can only talk over the phone to edit. We also could not get all of our filming done. That also has made it harder to edit. But we are working with what we have. We have been adding music. We also have been trying to make it flow. Some of the previous scenes were choppy. But we are working on the transitions. We are trying to make the movie look as real as possible.

We have also been trying to cut certain parts of the film. Some parts of the film that we could not re do are harder. It is harder to cut and edit those. We also have been working on the titles and names. We are making the fonts match. We are also making sure the sizes of the fonts. We're working on transitions. The film is getting better. As we make certain changes it improves. We are going to continue working.


Re shooting

We currently have not been able to film. We were able to re do a few scenes. But school got canceled because of the coronavirus. So it has been kind of hard to film. A lot of things have closed. Other things have closed early. They also stopped letting people inside. So, we could not go into the library to re shoot takes. We were able to do a few. But, many things are closing for at least a month.

 So, we have to work with the film that we have. Some of those films could have been re done. But, we cannot get into those places. We also cannot be in big groups of people in other places. So, the coronavirus has made filming way harder. So we are just going to edit. We will edit some stuff out. As well as cut videos and other stuff. We will try to make it look the best we can. But as far as re-shooting, we had to stop for now.


Thursday, March 12, 2020

Re filming

My group and I watched all of our takes. We have watched both the previous takes and the older takes. After watching them we decided that some re filming was needed. We tried to best pin point exactly which takes needed to be re done. But as we film and fix some of the scenes, we find new issues. When we try to edit in the new takes something about the take does not allow the film to look right. Some time is does not fit the angle that the previous take was taking from. And sometimes, it does not match the angle for the take after. So, we have to re film. We also have to make sure that we are using the correct angles.
We have been able to re film a few takes. But, they still do not look right. So although we have been filming, the takes still cannot be used. We also only have a limited time when filming. Everyone has different schedules. So, this makes filming harder. It only allows us to have certain days and times to film. So we can only get a certain amount of work done. This makes filming harder because we have less time to work with. But we are continuing to film and try different things to improve the film.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Editing Blog

So, recently we have be working on editing out film. We re-filmed before we continued to edit. We also looked at all the old film. We tried to correct the things that were wrong the last time we filmed. We had lighting issues and people getting in the way.  After looking back at the films we found different problems. People that were acting for us got in the way. In some shots, the person filming got people who were not supposed to be in the film in it. So we have to fix those takes. Or we have to cut the videos.
We are also trying to look at the smaller errors that we made. We have to fix the font of the title. We used a different font to for the title in the video verses what we planned to do. We also do not like some of the other things and the way that it is edited. For example, some of the ways the takes were put together. It does not flow the way we want. It looks a little bit choppy. But we plan to keep editing. We are going to try to edit out the flaws. But, if we can't we may have to re film.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Peer Editing Blog


I really like the transitions. I also like the film in itself. It has good individual takes. The film wasn't choppy which I also liked. But, they could've been smoother. Some of the takes looked like they didn't belong together. But, the film still was not choppy. I also like how clear it was. The camera person was not shaking the camera at all. The video was very easy to see exactly what was going on.

The plot was kind of confusing to me. The individual takes made sense when they were separate. But, when they were put together it got a little confusing. If I could make one suggestion it would be about how the takes come together. I think they should try to make it come together better. A lot of the scenes started in one place and the next scene started in another location. This kind of made it confusing to me about what the main idea was. There was also a lot of different scenarios. The girl killed her family but, her parents were missing and someone was trying to get into her house. I was not sure how that came together.