Wednesday, April 15, 2020

CCR Powerpoint

I had to use a shareable link because the video was not loading on the blogger. I was able to show my teacher what is going on or any of the people in my group so that I could receive help because we are on lockdown. The only way I could my video on blogger was a shareable link. This was the hardest project. I had to film and edit by myself. Filming and editing were both equally hard. When I was filming, it was hard to talk for so long. But it was hard to edit and cut the videos exactly how I wanted too. I added a lot of transitions and backgrounds to make the film look good. I also was not sure how to insert videos into another video. I learned a lot while editing this. But, I was happy to learn so much. Even though this was hard, I still enjoyed this project.

Final project powerpoint

This was my favorite Project. I really enjoyed this one. My favorite part was filming. I learned a lot about filming during this project. I learned how important angles are. They make or break many scenes. They could either make takes interesting or not so interesting. I did most of the filming for this project. I liked how creative we were for this. I also really liked the theme for our project.

Music Video powerpoint

Shooting this music video was a lot of fun. I was not one of the actors in this film. I helped film. I learned a lot about filming and editing. I learned how to put an audio on a movie. I was able to apply this in other projects. This project was okay. It was not my favorite but, it was still fun. I liked that we had to go off school campus for this one. It made us be able to be more creative.

Commercial Powerpoint

This was our first project. It was a lot of fun. This project was very hard because it was our first one. Editing was the hardest for this project. My favorite part of this project was the planning. It allowed us to be creative, which was fun. I did not enjoy filming though. It was very hot outside and we had to keep re shooting certain takes. Overall, I enjoyed this project. I also learned a lot.