Thursday, January 30, 2020

Title Research: Watch the title website research


The first thing that catches my eye on the website is the interviews. They have a lot of different interviews with many different groups and people. Most of them, I don’t know. But, they have a lot of information. So, this would be a good place to do research. The next thing I noticed is how many different subsections the website has. They have feature film, TV shows, event titles, student projects, video games, and french fridays. Each one has a little bit of information. Each one also has examples and different shows or movies. At the top of the website, there are starters to films. I also do not know the shows or movies that are in it. This website could be beneficial to me. Many of the information and examples it has, I don’t know about them. So, I could learn a lot of the people, the shows, and movies. I like this website.

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